Sara Landon
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 185-6
Sara Landon and The Council
Are you feeling the call to step into the Role you have been uniquely prepared to play in this life? This call is the replay of PART 1 of The Council's very powerful course called "The 11 Spiritual Roles of the Soul." They discuss the 11 different roles which will give you clarity, meaning and the fulfillment you have been looking for to help you activate your unique spiritual Gifts. This will help answer why you are here now.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 5-6
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 184-29
Sara Landon and The Council
In this amazing call, The Council shares what they would like us to know about our beloved ANIMALS/ PETS. They discuss why we LOVE Animals and Pets so much, what the role is of Animals/Pets in the world, why we have the Pet(s) that we do, how to make our pet's life better, if the Animals are suffering and do they need to be saved, how to communicate with our Pets, and why our Pets don't live as long as we do.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 4-29
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 184-8
Sara Landon and The Council
In this Webinar, The Council gives incredible guidance on creating a meaningful CAREER/BUSINESS/JOB that you LOVE! They discuss how to determine if you are on the right career path, the process for creating the career, business or job that you want, how to do what you LOVE and LOVE what you do, why you no longer enjoy or feel challenged by your job, what to do when your values do not align with corporate culture, what steps you must take before you leave your job or begin a career, what to do when you really hate your job and understanding why you lost a job.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 4-8
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 183-25
Sara Landon and The Council
In this PARENTING Webinar, The Council discusses their higher perspective on being a parent or a child in this human experience. They cover understanding the Relationship between Parents and Children. How to cultivate your child's curiosities, passions and dreams. What makes a great parent and strategies for
effective Parenting. How to deal with difficult situations and challenging behavior. How to raise children without limiting beliefs and fears and why parenting is such a difficult job and why all parents fail at being perfect parents.
effective Parenting. How to deal with difficult situations and challenging behavior. How to raise children without limiting beliefs and fears and why parenting is such a difficult job and why all parents fail at being perfect parents.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 3-25
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 183-4
Sara Landon and The Council
In this amazing call, The Council talks about SELF-LOVE which they say is the greatest achievement of this human experience. Self-Love is the foundation for our life, of our peace, our joy and happiness, our success and for allowing all of our dreams and desires. The Council gives us powerful tools to achieve Self-Love which is the key to everything we want.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 3-4
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 182-25
Sara Landon and The Council
This call is from The Council's Special Subjects Series and is a powerful talk on how to Speak Your Truth and how to create better relationships with your Lovers, Family, Friends, Partners and Loved Ones.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 2-25
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 181-28
Sara Landon and The Council
This Call is Part 3 of the encore Webinar called "Manifest The New Earth and Accelerate the Great Awakening of Yourself and Humanity." This powerful, transformational, life-changing workshop includes the secret wisdom and teachings to guide you step-by-step to your highest Awakening. Your Great Awakening plays a critical role in the Great Awakening of Humanity that is beginning a new stage of evolutionary
expansion in 2018. All of this is leading to the Manifestation of the New Earth. The Council shares the path and process forward and what we must do in our everyday lives to create the New Earth and accelerate the Great Awakening. On this call, you are provided answers, tools and the processes to discover:8) Under-
standing Power dynamics and why old Ways will no longer work. 9) What is your role in Co-Creating a world that works for Everyone. 10) How to meet challenges with Cooperation, Unity and Inspired Action.
11) Why You must manifest impeccably through alignment to your Soul's desires.
expansion in 2018. All of this is leading to the Manifestation of the New Earth. The Council shares the path and process forward and what we must do in our everyday lives to create the New Earth and accelerate the Great Awakening. On this call, you are provided answers, tools and the processes to discover:8) Under-
standing Power dynamics and why old Ways will no longer work. 9) What is your role in Co-Creating a world that works for Everyone. 10) How to meet challenges with Cooperation, Unity and Inspired Action.
11) Why You must manifest impeccably through alignment to your Soul's desires.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 1-28
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 181-21
Sara Landon and The Council
This Call is Part 2 of the encore Webinar called "Manifest The New Earth and Accelerate the Great Awakening of Yourself and Humanity." This powerful, transformational, life-changing workshop includes the secret wisdom and teachings to guide you step-by-step to your highest awakening. Your great awakening plays a critical role in the Great Awakening of Humanity that is beginning a new stage of evolutionary expansion in 2018. All of this is leading to the Manifestation of the New Earth! On this call, you are provided with the answers, tools, and processes to discover: 4) The step-by-step Plan to accelerate The New Earth and what you need to do in your life today. 5) Practices for experiencing The New Earth in your life and relationships. 6) Paradigm-shifting Strategies to Transform societies and end suffering in your communities and around the world. 7) How to Access and Unify Higher Dimensions of Consciousness.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 1-21
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 181-7
Sara Landon and The Council
This call is the replay of a Webinar with Sara Landon and The Council called "Manifest the New Earth and Accelerate the Great Awakening of Yourself and Humanity." This call is the first of the 3 part-webinar and the 2nd series will be on Jan. 21st and the last one on Jan. 28th @ 4pm PST. This powerful, transform-
mational, life-changing workshop includes the secret wisdom and teachings to guide you step-by-step to your highest awakening. Your great awakening plays a critical role in the Great Awakening of Humanity that is beginning a new stage of evolutionary expansion in 2018. All of this is leading to the Manifestation of the The New Earth! On this call, you will be provided answers, tools and processes to discover 1) What
the New Earth is and what it means for You Personally. 2) How to manifest the New Earth and why it matters 3) Understanding the Great Awakening of Humanity and Why you must become a Leader.
Free Conference Call Replay 18 1-7
Replay of The New Earth Family Call on NEW YEAR'S EVE 1712-31
Sara Landon and The Council
A very powerful NEW YEARS EVE message from The Council. They asked all to reflect on who we have become in 2017, and to contemplate how far we are willing to go into the depth of our Beingness. What do we want to explore next? This is only the beginning, the foundation. We are creating and living in a new paradigm now. We are the Magic, the Miracle that we have been looking for. We are stepping into totally realizing we are SOURCE, the DIVINE, here to create the New Earth through us. Happy New Year! Welcome 2018!!!
Free Conference Call Replay 17 12-31
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1710-29
Sara Landon and The Council
An incredible conversation between The Council and Daryl Cooper on Claiming your Home in the New Earth. Are you ready to receive the fruits of your labor? The energy now is about receiving what you have sowed and claiming your place in Heaven on Earth!
Free Conference Call Replay
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 179-3
Sara Landon and Karen Palmer ~ How to Navigate the human experience with JOY!
An amazing call where Sara Landon and Karen Palmer share ways we can experience joy, despite our human challenges, while we continue to create Heaven on Earth. They discuss: How to be in joy even in times of grief, sadness and pain. How to be spiritual and still fully present in the human experience. How to awaken your children and raise them to be enlightened. And is it a "treasure hunt" or do we have spiritual contracts and more.
Free Conference Call Replay 17 9-3
The NEW EARTH FAMILY Call on June 25th was an encore of the Council's Webinar called "Addictions, A new perspective on your Wholeness." Being this is a webinar product, there are no free replays except on our Conference Call line until July 29th. This webinar can be purchased for a limited time on Sara's website.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 174-2
Sara Landon and The Council
A powerful conversation between the Council and David on How to Balance your Vibrations and help in raising the Vibrations of the mass consciousness on this planet. Be the Wayshower of LOVE.
Free Conference Call Replay
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 173-5
Sara Landon and The Council
A MUST LISTEN TO Call! Understanding the Rules of the Game of Life and how to become a better player. The Universe always says YES to all our thoughts!
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 172-19
Sara Landon and The Council
This is one of Sara Landon's favorite conversations with The Council on Love and Relationships.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 172-12
Sara Landon and The Council
Is there such a thing as karma, what is it, do you have it, and how to transmute anything into Love.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 171-22
Sara Landon and The Council
A powerful talk on what the Council's most important message is and how to find PEACE in every moment.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 171-15
Sara Landon and The Council
The Council talks with Lauren Galey, Host of Quantum Conversations, right after the U.S. election about the Power of ACCEPTANCE, TRUST and ALLOWANCE in our lives.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 171-8
Sara Landon and The Council
STOP LIMITING THE UNIVERSE!! The Council shares 10 things you can do TODAY to stop limiting the Universe.
Replay of The New Earth Family 171-1
Sara Landon and The Council
A POWERFUL New Year's Message from The Council. 2017 is "The Year of ONE" and now is the time to shift your life to everything you desire it to BE!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Sara Landon has created a 20-minute clip from the Webinar with The Council, "Everything Changes in 2017." This audio includes powerful information about the end of 2016, understanding these powerful energies, the end of a nine year cycle of awakening, and our short window of time to transcend the past. The Council shares what is coming in 2017 -- how to step into instant manifestation and unlimited supply. They explain "The Power of One in 2017" and also say a new chapter awaits us and what to do to prepare NOW, before January 1st!!
The full version of the audio replay is available HERE.
Replay 1612-18
Sara Landon and The Council
During this season of Giving, the Council reminds us of the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others. What a beautiful message it is to always remember.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1612-4
Sara Landon and The Council
The Council shares how to create more miracles, how to be a Wayshower, understanding Oneness and Interconnectedness, how to harness the Power of the NOW Moment and what is meant by Christ Consciousness and the Second Coming.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1611-20
Sara Landon and Susan Joan Rini on Animal Communication
Sara Landon shared her experience of a past reading with Susan and then Susan did a live reading with a dog and a cat. Animals are always communicating with us if we would only take the time to listen more!
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1611-13
Sara Landon and The Council
A talk about what's beyond the U.S. Election and our role in creating The New Earth.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1611-6
Sara Landon and The Council
Amazing conversation about Awakening to your Power and Living BEYOND Fear.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1610-23
Sara Landon and The Council
A conversation on How to Create Harmonious Relationships and How to Find "The One."
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 1610-16
Sara Landon and The Council
Is there more to Life than the Life you are living? How to create a more Joyful, Meaningful Life.
Divine Feminine Power 1610-09
A Conversation with The Council at a women's retreat at The Rose of Paradise Sanctuary in Olympia, WA., on Expressing your Divine Feminine Power, BEING the Goddess and How You can change the World.
Replay from 16-10-9
Sara Landon and The Council
Talk on the Role of the Conscious Man in our Awakening World.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 16-9-25
Sara Landon and The Council
Questions asked from our Family's youth perspective. Mitchell and Mason in Conversation with The Council. YOU CAN BE THE LIGHT.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 16-9-18
Sara Landon and The Council
A conversation on Self Love, Your Soul's desires VS Human Desires, Discovering your life purpose and overcoming limiting Beliefs.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 16-9-11
Sara Landon and The Council
A conversation on Divine Timing, Manifesting your Desires, Creating greater levels of Happiness and Expanding your Soul.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 16-9-4
A FUN conversation with Sara Landon and Judy Cali on how to raise one's vibration so we can BE in JOY all the time!
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 168-28
Sara Landon and The Council
Is there an easier way than to work hard? A conversation on how to BE more and do less. Taking Inspired action, and how to feel more JOY.
Replay of The New Earth Family Call 16-8-21
Sara Landon and The Council
An Explanation of who The Council are. The secret doorway to everything you want, why you came here for this life experience, how to overcome fears and so much more.
THANK YOU for showing your support and keeping our website and Love energies moving forward!